nibbles your ears gently and bites them bit harder so it hurts a tiny bit, whilst running my finger tips up and down your back…….I whisper in your ear “what is your desire, sweet one”…….
Tag: hips
Jealous Lover
Her eyes were wild with fury. Her fierce rage shined through the dark black circle of her pupil. Her tongue clicked her teeth rapidly. But these were the only signs of her anger.
Born To Death
Crouching and holding myself together, I sit with my knees against my chest while listening to the water flow around inside the tub. At first it’s just a noise that runs through your bathroom. The sound of the rushing water seems to sooth my head as I stand up, disrobe and prepare to enter the… Continue reading Born To Death
Erotic Story – Passion
Mesmerizing lights danced on the walls, undulating to the demonic beats that poured out of PA system in a steady, ear-piercing flow. The red, black, and silver flashes created an other-worldly mood in the throbbing scene — a dizzyingly sweet feeling.
In the days I last laid eyes upon- In the nights I wept my tears on- The black that held my hand so tight- And the slice the made my wrist so bright.