The Night Darkness Consumed Me pt. II

What did I just do? Did I just accept to be his? I look up at Edge, seeing things I hadn’t been able to see in the darkness of the club. He was…. beautiful. His face was perfect, with the looks that all the women in the world would fight over. Yet he chose me….… Continue reading The Night Darkness Consumed Me pt. II


My addiction is a hunger, again and again I feed it, I no longer want it I need it. I pretent like I’m in control, though I know it has taken over, all alone, I have lost a lot. I have no one, I am deeply distraught. This deep hole that I am in, is… Continue reading Addiction

Rapt in my Realm

You think you understand me but you don’t, Forbidden truths and dejected hopes. An intricate web of lies my eyes behold, Deep pools of bitterness, of pain untold. A thirst for serenity, a thirst for reason, Only failing to see the foolishness of this delusion. Ignoring the hope that is able to save set me… Continue reading Rapt in my Realm