I hear n see the anger all telling me what to do Some tell me to do good things..others say to kill you The good ones say be sweet and dont make a regret The others are telling me..You haven’t regret hurting me yet So I will go with the bad ones…and certainly torture you… Continue reading __~You will Pay for my Pain~_
Tag: hurt and pain
The essence of time Without it the world would not revolve Emotions wouldn’t be real in places they don’t exist but hurt and pain would slowly disenegrate our lives… For time is what makes us it’s of which our life is based completely Time is the true essence that we live bringing pain and happiness…… Continue reading *__Time__*
“You Will Pay For My Pain”
I hear n see the anger all telling me what to do Some tell me to do good things..others say to kill you The good ones say be sweet and dont make a regret The others are telling me..You haven’t regret hurting me yet So I will go with the bad ones…and certainly torture you… Continue reading “You Will Pay For My Pain”
“Like A Wound”
Feud, quarrel, or in simpler words, fighting, the anger builds up, higher and higher it rises, until you’re tired of all the hurt and pain you suffer, you burst in tears, agonizing screams, pleading, stuck in the middle of a torturous problem, which you have nought to deal with, all you can do is close… Continue reading “Like A Wound”