there is so much more than what others see another world within this reality a place where most mortals choose not to tred a place of unending dred where only the most horrid of fanstacies comes true this place is only for us sickend few tainted and twisted is this place breaking the rules of… Continue reading Incomplete (poem)
Tag: illusion
Innocence Falls
When we are children, we like to believe in the Snow Whites & Sleeping Beauties of the world. We like to believe that like Cinderella, we have a Fairy Godmother who will come down and sweep us away in our darkest hour. When we get older we turn to fairy-tale movies for hope that we… Continue reading Innocence Falls
Shadow Side
Somewhere from the depths of all the negative elements of the world, this creature has appeared. It charges around in it’s threatening stance, setting up walls and keeping people from progressing, keeping friends from one another. It will put on a show of strength, hollow in reality, threatening in it’s illusion. It appears in dreams… Continue reading Shadow Side
out of the fridge
mass confusion line the streets in my illusion. theres half and half, ying and yand, black and white, and what a site. do i cross the bridge or take my cold heart from the fridge.
Reach a happy place
Behind four walls I wish I could b Please everyone Get the fuck away from me
Graveyard Masturbation
The sounds coming through the door are amplified by my desperation to not hear them, and my sickening desire to listen out for them. Every moan, and every gasp, echoes around my ears, as their gentle conversing rumbles like thunder through my head.
I have observed the world around me And have come to believe that love Is really mothing more than an illusion Just a drug we take when we want to forget that the world is such a fucked up place, that the
Cry towards the skies
When real men cry towards the skies, And ask for their forgiveness, Under the illusion thats all in their mind, And i ask myself why, do they, Cry at night, and pretend to the day, that its alright, that its all ok,
Love the feeling of floating on white cloud With the person you love Having the thought that you are the luckiest boy in the world But it is all an illusion
Forever Rose
Mother Earth is always ever present to provide She hides this one amongst the many other trees Each one she has named with qualities as entities She knows the search needs to be with trials “Learn that which you need not in life from the other”