Sucked into beautiful weaves of perversion, With the tainted beauty of a raped virgin.
Tag: insanity
Will I ever stop crying Will the memories fade away Just when I start to forget Something ignites my mind A scent, a voice, a grave Whatever it is, I can’t stop
A Razor and a Bottle
The room was like a casket, walls too close, the floor too hard. There was only black, always black, an absence of colour equal to the absence of sound.
widespread insanity
There doesn’t seem to be anything worth living for. Everything is so crazy now. I watched my only friend kill himself slowly last week, and everyone in town is losing their minds. I seem to be the only sane one left. Old Billy Jurgens drove his car in circles for six hours yesterday. I got… Continue reading widespread insanity
The journey for love….
I have wondered for quite some time. And so have many others been confused to the point of insanity!! First I ask, how does one know when it is love…and what matters. What I am saying is that some say looks are everything, others say it is what is inside.
The coldest depths of my inner-self are shining through this nite of lies, the sky has opened to it’s highest point and has dropped a soul that is yet to be found, and the search could lead on forever. The stereotypical bastards have banished me to the point of insanity, and i shall never again… Continue reading THE PAIN WITHIN
541 little pills later: I’m still alive
I feel so sick…i’m probably iron deficient or something to that effect…or it might be my crippled liver. Too much ibuprofin will do that you know…it’s just sad that it was an attempt to kill the pain I feel. It’s driving me to the point of insanity. I’m on the verge of just screaming till… Continue reading 541 little pills later: I’m still alive