The finest things in life are those which are dealt to us. We can fall and get up just the same, but what is our goal. Vampires have been living for centuries. This does not surprise you, but why? Was it death, life, hate, jealousy, or love. Is that the goal, to love and be… Continue reading No Love
Tag: jealousy
Father of Lies
Dear Moderator, While I will be suprized if you actually post this poem, I thought that I would give it a try anyway. It is the darkest stuff I have. I dare you to post this poem. I wrote this poem because at the time I was being tormented by evil spirits and I wanted… Continue reading Father of Lies
The window of one soul
-poetic The morning, the sun, light beats my face Another day in ‘paradise’ Hell in heaven good place, bad people – Hate, not so much as jealousy jealous of the happiness bourne by the rest I bear but a curse Of darkness, of hate A curse that weakens to the point of self destruction No… Continue reading The window of one soul
Our Sad Reality
I will share a little piece of my mentality to all of you, for no one else dares to listen to my ideas on humanity. Society…Heh…How depressing is society. Seem’s as though every time our society improves we loose touch with ourselfs, and focus one unimportant things. We loose touch with our spirits and minds.… Continue reading Our Sad Reality
The Lord of Deception 2
There were other things that went on unoticed in the time that I was there, letting my life slowly drift by without realizing that I wasn’t progressing. There was always a holding back, a no you can’t do that, not said in works but done through actions in convoluted ways. When was there ever a… Continue reading The Lord of Deception 2
Led as A Lamb
Led as a lamb to the slaughtering field, never hearing the bloody bleating of the others, feared. An apocolyptic nightmare, encrypted in maniacal faces, Another sigh of death, another destruction of races.
Writing: From the Mind
Jealosuy, hatred, depression…these 3 things live inside my heart and mind. Jealous of the fact that what friends I have are all happy with their love or with someone they care about and in some way they are happy…and yet I roam unhindered.
Ever wonder why there’s hate? Or love for that matter? It all should be obvious, at least, if you know darkside. Know OF darkside, I mean. Yeah, I know what you’re thinkin, at least, I think I do. But then, I might not. Hold on, the phones ringin.
People as a whole
Okay, so I get bored real easy. That means I’ve been many places on the net. Unfortunately, they are all the same in one way or another. Full of people who whine how they are always judged badly, yet they turn around and do the same thing that they are complaining about. What makes a… Continue reading People as a whole
The Importance of Being…Independent
I have noticed that in many alternative lifestyles – poly, lesbian, what little I’ve seen of D/s and BDSM, SCA even although this has changed due to the fact that the SCA is going mainstream – there are large pockets of people who believe that it is far more moral and sensible to be a… Continue reading The Importance of Being…Independent