Bloody Tears

This is about Darkness, but it’s semi-erotic. She pulled the brush through her hair, tugging at knots and twigs. Her short skirt and thin blouse revealed her less then wild nature, bringing up the subject of why she was so dressed and yet some how ragged. “You know it’s useless. He’s dating someone.” The voice… Continue reading Bloody Tears

my friends

is this the way you try to envision the way things are? you know, one day, my friends just kinda of socked me and taunted, ” stand up you Loser.”

Writing: Just something you should know.

I used to have this little aching feeling in my heart. No matter what I was doing it wouln’t go away. When I’d had a particularly bad day, it got worse. Some days I would not even get out of bed. Other days i’d burst into tears because I couldn’t get the knots out of… Continue reading Writing: Just something you should know.