I suppose I make everyone worry. is that why i am alone? i am always kind, i am always quiet but i suppose my loneliness is something i have gotten used to. Everyone picks on me… especially that goth clique. Jocks and goths are the same to me. I have already tried to kill myself… Continue reading Alone forever
Tag: liars
loves logic
Why is it that when one falls in love everything they ever thought was right, whatever logic they had, and whatever they believed in means nothing and is reshaped by love. There is no logic to love everything that while in love is pure emotion, no thinking is involved. Beliefs, rights and wrongs all are… Continue reading loves logic
Let down once too often….
I dont know what you would really call what im writing?????Well, anyway im really REALLY depressed, stressed everything dismal you could possibly imagine, im feeling it.Well, anyway i suppose i better explain why i feel the way i do……
Death of My Only Friend: Part Three, Brother Beside Me
—-That wasn’t the last time Georgia scared me. I slept in Danny’s room for most other nights. He wasn’t big, and he couldn’t fight off dad. I didn’t think that I could either, whenever that time came.
the boogie man
They say hes just a myth, They say hes just pretend, But their LIARS! Cause ive seen him, ive seen the boogie man…
Stick To The Script
Everything that is the world is declining I can’t find my place in this kind of place Don’t look at me to be your source of positivity All Im feeling is an abundance of negativity
She checked the time at which the e-mail was sent into her box … then reflected what she was doing while he wrote:
a journal entry
i am swimming in the abyss of my very mind. i am searching for my soul eveen though i know i do not have one. although in my mind we have two, one we keep and one we have the choice to give away. i seem to have lost one. i barely feel i have… Continue reading a journal entry
Killer Lover
Tear stained eyes You said you’d always care A love full of lies You said this life we had to share
Candles And Cotton
Eyes are always great liars. The strange mystique of the eye so sweet is a garden path to deceit. Small glimpses of colour in those eyes of another and the dream of a perfect lover is born. So carry their pure image to the blankets where you sleep. Whisper it a secret that only an… Continue reading Candles And Cotton