That was too much for him. He just couldn’t stand it anymore. His parents never paid him any attention and they certianly did not love him. They only loved his sister. However, things had not always been this way. Tommy was 8 years old when this all happened. His parents always neglected him and always… Continue reading Lack of Attention
Tag: little sister
Such A Young Age
Tara, was always shy. As any typical person, she had family problems. At a very young age she had alreay known to much for such a small head.
Talena and Jasmine; a story of friendship
Talena was the wierd one, and Jasmine, well, she was, too fucking normal. When they had met in 7th grade Talena had been the one everyone stared at, and Jasmine was the psyco girl who let Talena hang around her.
Nicole Elizabeth Churchill
January 30, 1987, a friday, early in the morning a healthly 7lbs. 8ozs. baby girl was born. Her name Nicole Elizabeth Churchill.Only 6 months later she was walking and her mother bapitized her, did she ask to be bapitized?
The Love Of my Father….
Author’s Note: OK, I told my bestest friend, Sinful Serena, I would submit this article, so here goes. *deep breath* The only memories that I can actually remember of my childhood are traumatic ones. I can’t even once remember being happy. It’s just a blur of confusion and fear. I have my reasons for this,… Continue reading The Love Of my Father….