Sitting Here

Sitting here In this sea of loneliness So tired of running away from love In need of a place to call my home But not to be alone To experience the joys that others have To spend all the time that god may grant To fall in love and my spirit dance

cant you just leave me alone *this is my friends and i thought that she needed to have it heard*

Everywhere I go I see you. Im reminded of the pain you always inflect. The hate you build in me. I have nothing to be happy about anymore. I dont even remember the last time I laughed. Truly laughed. Im just a shell of what I used to be. Not who. I was never anybody,… Continue reading cant you just leave me alone *this is my friends and i thought that she needed to have it heard*


You are my loneliness, unholyness, boldly, and without regret, I get hit, bit by bit, it’s on, soon I’ll be gone, cause I’am hells spawn, yawn, yawn, I’ll get you, and you’ll be gone, too, like a fawn you take off to heaven, then you realize your on a short leash, cause I’ve got you,… Continue reading Hell-Bound