i saw it there in his thoughts he was on the edge of demise but yet i hesitated to pull him back to pull him towards me for i was there beside him i already knew he was forever mine still i delighted in his suffering the silver lining of the cloud that was our… Continue reading toxic devotion
Tag: love
love’s eternity
passion overflows the soul and enters places most surreal fantasies materialize so done with sweet demonic zeal the world’s consumed by endless night but through a light is seen their souls redeemed – a dream-like state – saved by love’s eternity
Vampiric Moods
Right now I can not sleep, Having a feel for night crawling, Does that make me vampiric? Right now I want to spend the night with lust in my mind. Wanting to creep….. Creep….. Creep down to a beautiful woman’s neck and kiss her gently. Having her to clench me like a victim dying in… Continue reading Vampiric Moods
judgment? why waste life
as we look at each other we judge thou itz usless we do sum love religion sum dont we all r ignorent or stupid u choose jus rem. that when ur stupid itz forever those called goth or dark or insane need to speak out nt angry but calm make people listen im nt wat… Continue reading judgment? why waste life
It Was The Love That Made Me Hold On
My tears are so few Just because I’m here with you Please don’t leave me, please don’t go Otherwise, I’ll overflow With the blood, from my head Goodbye….I’m dead This is what, you could hear If you do, leave me tears Once you say, you don’t love me I’ll be dead, and it’ll be bloody… Continue reading It Was The Love That Made Me Hold On
coming to reality
death As i sit watching the blood realse itzself i relax telling miself that itz time im finally live az mi friend slicez her wrist open we lie next to eachother smiling az i look and her nude body she stopz breathing thou ive been bleeding mi blood for hourz she diez az i wait… Continue reading coming to reality
decaying flesh
poetry tears of pleasure tears of pain tears you’ve caused cannot be tamed tears of love more of hate have no control lost, out of faith another broken heart another tears drops >
Blood Dripping Roses***Chapter 15
Blood Dripping Roses Chapter 15 Ebony shook in fear at how angry Tommie was, but feared more towards what her master would say. “Please Tommie- don’t tell him! I’m sorry-I was just-“ “Snooping!” Tommie conformed crossing his arms. “No-that’s not it.” Slowly, Tommie’s face changed to a lighter mood and her begin to laugh. “You… Continue reading Blood Dripping Roses***Chapter 15
Apocalyptic Vision
Apocalyptic Vision The world’s ending mother fuckers. Can’t you see that? Look around at the hell we live in. Minds changed, deranged Bridges burned, hearts chained Sould ravaged, damned Tables turned, the fall of man Happy memories of pasts we’ve forgotten Fading to dust, icy like frost There is no love, Only lust A drive… Continue reading Apocalyptic Vision
My Gift
My Gift CHORUS Burning embers in my hand A passion that won’t always last. My gift to you, my suicide And every guilt free day after I die. END CHORUS I made you do this. You begged for me to end my life, Though not in so many words. Outcast always into the shadows, Forever… Continue reading My Gift