Trapped inside my own head With nothing but my dreams to comfort me I know the pain of the madman for he lives inside of me I’ve felt the strength of my demons and others And my weakness of self-preservation And hope…..hope Hey, parents do you know where your children are tongiht? Are they locked… Continue reading Dreams…
Tag: madman
Dolgar and Iara
In this forestglade , the scale-like foliage cloaked the pathway and the aroma of everyone , each autumnal-coloured was fierce , intense and as strong as the stench of dew both fowl and beautiful but a little musky .
I sit and wait for morning sun to make all I did undone But shame is all I can ever hope to see Death to me and all my kind for darkness is all I seem to find The secrets I had, now I shall forever keep
Unfinished entries (dont bother asking)
A story of epic proportions, starts out in the morning as the sun shines on a small house on the edge of town owned by a strangely deranged man who calls himself “Frank”, but the townsfolk call this man strife because of the strife that happens when he begins to show up in the market.
Old Blood, New Blood
Ten thousand years before the Common Era, the legendary continent of Atlantis, was in total chaos. Its king, King Silos, was in a madman’s quest to find the secrets of immortality. In the shadows, Lord Jarek Defile has his own plans. With the aid of the coven of sorcerers sworn to protect Atlantis, Lord Jarek… Continue reading Old Blood, New Blood
A Soul Set Free
White capped waves flail like the arms of a madman… Beating against tired worn rocks with peaks worn thin… The never ending soliliquey preys upon a weary soul… Haunting memories turn torment into obsession… If they could only be erased by the tempestous tide… His soul would be set free… Writhing in a sea of… Continue reading A Soul Set Free
Written by a potential madman, perhaps.
If you cannot understand my thoughts, I understand. Many, many people have said that I am not sane, and due to my young age (15) I am not eager to go and test it. I’ve been thinking that where do I belong? Where do we belong? Because of my age I haven’t seen and experienced… Continue reading Written by a potential madman, perhaps.