As I look around at others around me, I wonder if they feel as bleak and as dark as I do. Do they give up what I’m not willing to? Even those who are dressed in bright colors. Costums come in many shades. Even those that seem happy have a story to tell. Some are… Continue reading Agree or Disagree? Comment…
Tag: mask
Mask of comedy
poetic Put on a mask hide your face play a character, so you’re not out of place Doleful, morose, miserable, tortured these feelings won’t matter once you wear the mask of comedy. Put on a mask hide your face Play a character so you’re not out of place You have a tear dripping down your… Continue reading Mask of comedy
If I stalked you would you mind? If I crept up from behind? Took you to my secret lair?
Suffocate Can’t breathe Pain is choking When can it go? I need this All I ask of you Come to me Take away the pain I need to die This is way too much For me My body’s going to boil So much kept inside My mask is failing I’m dangerously close To the edge… Continue reading gone
i can’t do this anymore
I can’t do this any more. Smile even as i cry. hide behind a fake mask that will surely go to hell for the sin of the many lies it tells. No, i cannot hide from the world afraid that the people in it will not understand me. Why do i fear them. For they… Continue reading i can’t do this anymore
good bye
if i stalked you would you mind? If i crept up from behind? took you to my secret lair? tied you up with strand of hair? lightly, touch your milk white face i am lifes disgrace i wear a mask and roam the halls I watch you. clinging to the walls i lift your shirt… Continue reading good bye
lies of love fill the tears
a mask that is broken, chipped, and scratched, a mask that is well known, smiles and wide eyes. but once i removed this mask that lied slowly did i reveal those deep scarred eyes. no one excepted no one believed that this was true that this was me once more i wore that horrible porcelin… Continue reading lies of love fill the tears
Where Doves Go to Die
An autumn mist of death and lust October rainfall Seeping through my soul And as the world is dead and cold it becomes closer to me Forever sick and passionate An eternity of sorrow With your mask of misery etched upon my soul You speak of empty promises and leave me here alone Where doves… Continue reading Where Doves Go to Die
Take me to this night you speak of, Swallow me where you begin. The only words you speak are lies, The only life you give is sin. So blind behind those idol’s eyes, Hid behind that mask you wear. You needn’t ever close your eyes, You’ll never see the worlds despair. I let you breath… Continue reading Eden
Just getting some feelings out
( its not a poem, ) Sometimes when I’m all alone, I take off my mask and my face turns to stone. I start to think about my life, would it hurt if I died? Why do I keep living when the ones I need are so far away? Why is happiness something i don’t… Continue reading Just getting some feelings out