My Bestfriends Story

(POEM) Wearing a mask everyday, no one can see her real face. Smiling and laughing with her friends, everything looks perfect. But when she stands in her room all alone, she takes off her mask, and her face turns to stone. A tear falls down her cheek, and she starts to cry. She doesn’t know… Continue reading My Bestfriends Story

dilemma … of my life….

Darkness!! the constant copanian on journey of my ilfe… By nature i’m not a “gothic” as others might define but somany times i have urges that turns me into that pure beast, which is as connected to darkness and pain-death as to spikes and heavy metal… but in normality i find my self standing before… Continue reading dilemma … of my life….

Social Butterfly

I have noticed and often wondered about what exactly the social butterfly is, that person that runs around talking to everyone,puting on a mask at every table they visit….they are the cameleon ever changing to fit what ever social setting they can try and squeez into….i personally find it sad when a person will talk… Continue reading Social Butterfly


Hope is nothing, An illusionary wall. To blind you from your troubles, So you cannot see at all. The light is all you see, Yet the dark is always there. With its false validity, It takes away your care. So willifully you put on, This mask that is pretend. Yet you will not look, At… Continue reading hope

All I know

I dont know love, beacause everything i felt was fake…. Just a mask of lies to make me believe… Make me even more of the fool. Embaresments i had gone thew, just for a bunch of lies fake smiles, and meaningless actions.