A Dream…Almost True

You’ll glance with your smiles, And I’ll wipe away in our midst, the miles. You’ll caress me with your visions, And I’ll have in mind solely your notions. You’ll shorten the long strides of my life, As your love will shield me from strife. You’ll embrace me & mould broken pieces, Make come true my… Continue reading A Dream…Almost True

My Princess…

Feb, 2003 You’re the princess of all hearts, And you’ve no idea when it starts. You’re so much more than your outside, And tonight nothing but your thoughts’re inside. Your gracious soul has taken over, My heart and mind, and left no cover. Emotions inside are calling out your name, And tonight you’re my only… Continue reading My Princess…

Picnic Under The Big Ol’ Oak Tree

Wearing her finest Sunday attire, a light blue and ruffly dress fastened around the waist by a single, embroidered bow, Little Emily happily trotted down the hillside in search of the ideal site for a picnic. The eight year old, sandy blond haired girl was taking great pains not to dirty up the pretty dress,… Continue reading Picnic Under The Big Ol’ Oak Tree


i learn a lesson every day be it pain or fear or that nothing’s okay but today’s lesson only stupified me for i learned i was someone i dreaded to be