my misery

my misery, my misery has been captured, and taken away, i need it back, for with out it i am nothing, i mean nothing, i seen the sunlight and almost killed me, i sit in the shadows and hide away, but with out my misery, i am nothing, misery brings my heart dow low, and… Continue reading my misery


Forgive the girl that doesn’t know, What she has done, Look at what she has left to show, To all who cared. Forgive the girl that was always alone, Even in the largest crowds, All thats left of her now are bones, Surrounded by her misery. Forgive the girl who will feel the pain, From… Continue reading Forgive

Rapt in my Realm

You think you understand me but you don’t, Forbidden truths and dejected hopes. An intricate web of lies my eyes behold, Deep pools of bitterness, of pain untold. A thirst for serenity, a thirst for reason, Only failing to see the foolishness of this delusion. Ignoring the hope that is able to save set me… Continue reading Rapt in my Realm

The Bounded Arteries

Comments of bitter indecisions Hell has many crossroads Time corrupts the beauty of innocent beginnings Full bloom fades to rotted beauty Seasons slow and fade, as does blind understanding Pain and mistrust are tainted beginnings of a peaceful end Torn in half by these angles an demons alike Futile attemps in vain for the pursuit… Continue reading The Bounded Arteries