if any1 knows how to contact this young soul., please let her know that her pain is known and felt but there is one who will listen to her and can and does know how she feels. My thanks to all my Bretheren VAmpyrdreams
Tag: misery
Before I Kill The Pain
These are my words as pathetic as they sound But for once I’m actually going to sit and write them down.
the sound
drip drip drip goes the sound of my life, sturggling to live through pain, misery and strife.
lost love
I had you once but I lost you twice. I watch you from a distance and sulk in my own misery. I wander if I am missed by you as well. I bleed alone by my wounds but they will heal and my heart will not. I cant help the way I feel but I… Continue reading lost love
Blood and Tears
think again
Dark Poems for Romantic Love:
obsessionconfession Spell…BOUND Got you running round inside my head But rather have you strapped across my bed And feel my teeth against your lips Against your tongue Against your neck And taste your sanguinary succulence And feast upon your body and your soul. I cannot live without you Must devour you Must feel you inside… Continue reading Dark Poems for Romantic Love:
Due Punishment
So many opportunities are hurled at me. Some, I take for granted, and some I choose not to see. I cannot handle this pressure, But yet you see me and do it with pleasure. Don’t you understand that I’m not deserving? I care only to be left alone in my own suffering. Please take it… Continue reading Due Punishment