Cry not for me Momma, I’ll be back. When have I ever truly left you? I know you’re sad, but you know where I am. I’ve gone nowhere. You thought you lost me once, but I never did leave. I promise I didn’t. I’m sorry you’re sad. I’ll try to stay longer this time. And… Continue reading Death, Spirit, Reincarnate
Tag: momma
Pleading Insanity
Nothing against the nature of sin, oh no. can’t have insults here, can we? Yet you break those rules quite often. Are you persecuted for the times you spent hurting those who should matter more? Oh, certainly not. But why then should I be the target of all this anguish when I try my best… Continue reading Pleading Insanity
The Beginning of the End
My hand starts to tremble I start to feel weak Tears fall from my face like lil rain drops. I fall to the ground A pill bottle rolls away from my hand Memories of my once happy life flash by me My holding me, gram rocking me to sleep, daddy…I draw a blank there Then… Continue reading The Beginning of the End
I knew I could
People say life is happy and so full of glee but why do they say it? It’s not like that for me