Remembrance and Longing

Burning, quivering Staring into the junoesque Handsome face of oblivion Noticing the slight curvature In the features of her smile As the moonlight radiates over her skin Showing crevices, indentations Around that little grin But it moves closer Steadily advancing on her guard Both women amazed at their own actions Harming no one Naïve in… Continue reading Remembrance and Longing

Visitor in the Moonlight

Moonlight crested over the tree tops. Dark and unfamiliar it seemed to Victoria. For she had lived all her life in this very town, with these same people. She always walked this late at night, 2am on clear nights. But tonight was different, as was the week before. It was then she first felt that… Continue reading Visitor in the Moonlight

Visitor in the Moonlight – erotica

Moonlight crested over the tree tops. Dark and unfamiliar it seemed to Victoria. For she had lived all her life in this very town, with these same people. She always walked this late at night, 2am on clear nights. But tonight was different, as was the week before. It was then she first felt that… Continue reading Visitor in the Moonlight – erotica