My journey started long ago, on a summer’s morn well lit. Who’d know now it darkness fall, alone and cold I sit.
Tag: morn
suicide note
Im not gunna wake in the morn Im gunna in vain be born All the tears ive cried All the days id wished id died
Walking down this part of Raven Street is almost like walking through one massive graveyard. Churchyards line either side of the dirt road, filled with tombs. Our little town holds so many dead, and so few left living.
last year, today.
The front of my brian has rotted out. When i shake my head i can feel it move about, slam against the front of my skull. And my insides are rotting too. When i eat i feel the mass roll over and overin my stomach. They call it lust, i call it heroin love.
I speak, but no one hears I tremble with all my fears I cry…the tears from my eyes…they flow But no one cares, because they don’t know