Why do i try to live…. my life is lost to the nothing-ness. I always knew it would i mean if your parents are a drugy and a cheating slut..you would expect a shity life. I ask my self day-ly if i should shoot my fucking brains out cause i dont want to end up… Continue reading Born without life
Tag: needles
spun and unraveled
It’s been a hot two weeks with no sleep in a single studio apartment , just checking the fed, testing ph levels and shooting the raw meth to see if it’s any good. I can’t tell any more, I just have a massive headache, it’s like 150 degrees in here every body is silent, picking… Continue reading spun and unraveled
The Doll
The doll sits alone in her corner. Her curly blonde hair falls over her shoulders and beautiful dress. Her eyes a sparkling blue, her lips a pink. She sits there alone all day waiting for the night to come. finally the darkness falls, the transforming begins. The blonde curls turn to black and dark red.Her… Continue reading The Doll
My Life In Little Words
this is me im in pain is this all gods big game? my needles are gone along with my soul then all the sudden depression takes a toll no more words apon my arms no more blood no more harm i feel empty nothing more to do i feel like such a fucking fool for… Continue reading My Life In Little Words
An Ode To My Pain…
By A. Ottersbach The burning of the heat, Against my skin, Leaves a blister, Only time can mend. The pain grows sharper, As my blood pours out, It’ll go away soon, With out a doubt.
Alone Again
In all the time youve been known to fly you told me you loved me but you always lied. Sticking the needles into your sweaty palms not knowing why or when you would stop you would cry because you knew that you could do nothing that would keep you close to me….so you fell away… Continue reading Alone Again
Bethlehem Hospital
She screams in the white room, But no one can hear her. People walk by, Sometimes peering in at her, But not acknowledging her pleas.
I’m not crazy just euphoric
I am looking down at myself. My body feels so light and the sky is so crowded with these crimson bullets. I can barely keep my eyes open. The heroin is dominant over the blood in my veins. It’s in my head and I am happy.
Vampiress Mekidika
I come from the recesses of beloved midnight. Spawned from the flourescent glow of many stars. Torn from the embrace of the soft moon. Into the light of mundane night I came.
…& people die young…
I once knew a girl. She was kind of a loner, kind of not. She just didn’t hang out with anyone in school. Everyone knew she had friends somewhere else. What they didn’t know was that it was a bunch of 18 year old guys (3 years older) that lived 45 minutes away.