(Erotic) Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night touching your self, without knowing why, then after some days later, you realize you had a dream… more… It was a summer night just like this one, waterless and warm wind roughly breaks when hitting my face. All I can think of is… Continue reading Dead SEX
Tag: neighborhood
As i walk into my house i notice that something could be wrong. my dad had been drinking…again. whenever my dad drinks he gets into his mood. whenever he gets into his mood he takes it all out of me. today he was flat out drunk. as i walked into my house i culd hear… Continue reading obedience
I have a million people a day come to me. Everyday, the same thing. WHEN WILL YOU FUCKIGN PEOPLE LEARN TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES! If you obviously took the time, to look at your problems, and rationalize things, i’m pretty sure most of yu coudl save money on the fuckign shrinks, everyoen loves to talk… Continue reading Venting
its funny how in life certain addictions are looked down upon while others seize to be recognized by people. 7 years ago (1994) i was a coke addict i would do massive amounts of coke at times i wouldnt have any money to pay for it so i would rob someone or steal a car… Continue reading addictions
A love that has always been
I wake again from the same nightmare, the pain is almost unbearable. I think of nothing else. I have become obsessed with it. It all started almost a month ago. I was out surfing the net and ran across this woman. Her image was stunning, but nothing I hadn’t seen a hundred times before. The… Continue reading A love that has always been
Religious Hypocracy
My best friend has just discovered the evils of the Mormon Church, the hard way. Born and raised in the church both he and I had similar experiences, in that we both had to sit around for three hours, listening to religious propoganda every sunday. And we were both babtised into the Church.
yummy grotesque
a sharp glass candleabra. The bonnet, the heat from the engine seeping up, it felt good, it felt comfortable as he rested his face against it, arms out from his body, a sort of reverse crucifixion, nailed to the chrome. the rain…not even that…the light drizzle splattering down was of no consequence, would affect nothing… Continue reading yummy grotesque