carry you gently to my room- lay you on the bed- kiss you softly and lick your neck- remove your top gently and kiss you deeply on the lips-
Tag: nipple
Inside my depths – erotica
My depths. *Hmph* Who would have known you’d go so deep, or so far as to find who I am….and what needs to be released. Shall i start from the beginning? or from where we left off? Oh the memories are priceless and linger like unforgetable scars. But what is it that makes you come… Continue reading Inside my depths – erotica
Stolen Moments (part 2)
She slowly slid her fingers against my crotch, teasing gently. Arching against her hand, I gasped and closed my eyes, feeling her mouth close over my nipple. She bit down — she knew I liked pain — and pulled my nipple up into her mouth. I was writhing, cramming two fingers into her tiny, hot… Continue reading Stolen Moments (part 2)
One Night Stand
Hand in hand, we quickly made our way through the cluttered hall at last reaching my room. Sex on both of our minds, and unleashed passion flowing from our inner most desires. Wasting no time, I grabbed a lighter and set the therapeutic vanilla candles a flame. He was already waiting for me in my… Continue reading One Night Stand
My love, My life…My everything
It’s my first time writing….cut me some slack. While he sleeps, I watch his chest as it moves up and down with every breath he takes. I am so inlove with him. He looks so wonderful laying there silently. With his strong arms and handsome facial features.
Early morning craving
As their bodies lay still as they slept, coated in sweet and the beautiful scent of their love for each other. Jake woke silently looking at his goddess sleeping peacefully next to him he studied her body the way she bit her lip in her sleep and how her breasts slightly moved as she inhaled… Continue reading Early morning craving