Why is it that everyone is interested in the spurious these days? Why can’t what’s real count There are alot of things that can be imaginated, but in reality the imaganitive things are the fake Why dream for something phony, something that will never be possible The non-existant shouldn’t matter, For it has no effect… Continue reading “The Fake…Fake everything”
Tag: non existant
Lord of Deception
The deception had been compelete, so well done that it had not been noticed at the time through ignorance and misunderstanding. It was so easy for him to hide behind that facade and make his complex and convoluted plans for control, his control of events and the atmosphere surrounding.
Venting – Darkness
Evening all, How is everyone doing? Basically im just venting and typing whats on my mind. I come to this place because its one of the only outlets i have besides my normal writing. Tonight for me is just like any other night….