i can not seperate my self from the suffering nomore can i walk with people and not feel the pain in my head and in my heart what am i to do… so alone so alone blood on my face a hole in my heart all i see is red rage and hate cloud my… Continue reading alone in the light
Tag: pain in my head
Every High Has Its Low Points
You’re walking on earth yet you don’t see the true uglyness about it. You keep walking yet you are oblivious to the fact that there are crevices and cracks here and there and later they may form into something of a mammoth size.
In Hiding
Feelings of pain inside my head. They turn my thoughts to suicide again. Thought I was free from this fucked up way. Thought wrong. Need an escape.
Into the world of Midian(part 2)
2:Violent Creation:2 [Part two for those of you who showed interest in the first part, trust me this part eclipses the first but read the first before you read this one…if your gonna read it…….Enjoy] I came to on the floor of a tiny room, my whole body ached. It was dark in here, the… Continue reading Into the world of Midian(part 2)