Hearts broken, Tears fallen. Thousand promises turns blank. Cold and Alone, body shivers, End of the road, hope quivers. Razor by hand she foolishly think, “Should this be the end? Shall heaven be my guide? Leaving the plains of sorrow, once my body die?” With a pencil she writes, to her love ones goobye. Than… Continue reading No Turning Back – (poetic)
Tag: pencil
Doubt everything
As I’m walking home from school, I notice that the only thing I can hear any more, is the thudding of my two feet, and the annoying prattling which is coming from my pencil tin. As my mind starts to think about the assignments, which was supposed to be done by tomorrow, I, start to… Continue reading Doubt everything
Social Anxiety
Pure love takes off sky high. Twisted at the roots, it unravels. Blind hatred crawling deeper, deeper under your skin. You smile, playing it cool, but you know you are slowly going crazy. You become nervous, breaking out in a sweat, yet you continue to smile. Fidgeting with a pencil, it slips out of your… Continue reading Social Anxiety
some old crap
the peaceful life in a white page’s silence create the empty blue ligns abundance when i’m looking right through nothing the peaceful life of a clean page
Dark Kiss of Evil Chapter 4
Sodina smiled at Maxiumus. -“Thats a nice name.” -“And so is yours. May we get started milady?” Sodina picked up her pencil, handed it to Maxiumus and he beginned his work for her.
being free…
i was prisoned before… by my environment… my parents… my friends… always being afraid of what they may think of me… not doing what i wanted… not expressing myself to let the world see me as i wanted to be seen… i was not free