Chorus This is the pain I feel This is the love I haven’t received These are the scars that peel These are the destroyed things I need Pain lost in the 3rd sense Creeping into the forefront Of a withered battlefield Pain brought back from a bang Nothing is left Nothing is remembered from the… Continue reading Destruction Left from the Rapist/abuser
Tag: prince
Innocence Falls
When we are children, we like to believe in the Snow Whites & Sleeping Beauties of the world. We like to believe that like Cinderella, we have a Fairy Godmother who will come down and sweep us away in our darkest hour. When we get older we turn to fairy-tale movies for hope that we… Continue reading Innocence Falls
Darkest of Hearts
A rose offered with gentle kisses beneath a tempest, my hand you take
No Title
All Alone, inside my head My thoughts are nowhere to be found I’m in a daze, some sort of trance, my mind just wonders.
A Lonely Love
Just a glimpse of you And time lost meaning But then you go away And I fall to the ground, I drown
Rejected, denied, left behind…
Rejected, denied, left behind By the only one I ever cherished Turned into another torn doll on the shelf Between an exquisite collection burning in hell