Feud, quarrel, or in simpler words, fighting, the anger builds up, higher and higher it rises, until you’re tired of all the hurt and pain you suffer, you burst in tears, agonizing screams, pleading, stuck in the middle of a torturous problem, which you have nought to deal with, all you can do is close… Continue reading “Like A Wound”
Tag: problem 2c
Unbearable Desire
Dark lonely and peak on insanity, The events of my life is but a tradgey, While I sit and remember all the friends that have perish in last couple of years, I question the fact of my Life, All I been undergoing is pain and accompany with misery in my life, All I ever feel… Continue reading Unbearable Desire
No One Needs To Know
Her world is fake, Shes wrapped in glass one move or fall and her life will crash THe day ends so short And now the sun hides but no one cares about her life You don’t understand you cant hear my words throw her in an institute not your problem, its hers You’re so weak,… Continue reading No One Needs To Know
little short and useless statement
(Darkness or gothic topic, if both, all the better) ce n’est pas l’habillement qui fait la personne mais la personne qui fait l’habillement… (It’s not the clothing that determins the person yet the person that determins the clothing) all these posts about being goth, posers, what is being goth about, not wearing happy clothing, etc… Continue reading little short and useless statement
A lil problem, in the back of your brain. Been there for a while now, and you cant seem 2 get rid of it.
The Choice
Is it them over me? Do you want them more? Am I nothing to you? I guess I’m just someone to talk to when no one is around
Embrace the Darkness
How about that phrase..Embrace the darkness…. I can understand if you choose to embrace it, to keep it inside and not let it out, or let it out and hurt everyone you once cared for (or atleast yu thought you cared for) embrace and let it eat its way at your soul to where you… Continue reading Embrace the Darkness
Lost Or Just Empty
Im doing the teenage angst thing. Ive been doing it for a while now and Im finding it to be lot more important to human evolution than what some people think. I mean what kind of person would i be if i wasnt angry with myself and constantly pushing farther? Id be boring and unhappy… Continue reading Lost Or Just Empty
Please Listen!!!!!!
When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving me advice, You have not done what I asked.