Thy was a butterfly, a whisper in the breeze. A fairy who shined bright, and never failed to please. Thy was that one, walking you through a door. A door to God’s son, who held love and gifts galore. Thy was there helping you, throught your umbearable dread. Thy never left you, no own tears… Continue reading Thy Night’s Light
Tag: ray of light
The Bright Window
I have been in this place far longer than I can remember. My earlies memories are of this place…of this absurdly thick darkness… There is no light here ever. I have not seen the sun for far too long. In fact, I do not remember how the sun looks like. Sometimes I wonder where I… Continue reading The Bright Window
a ray of light in my darkness
The darkness in my life kept me blind falling into a depressing time i was a fool of life believing i could made my best if i tried
YHWH’s sense of humour.
Okay, Here’s one for the site, I know this isn’t normal fare here, nor am I trying to brighten up the site, that would destroy everything good the goes on here, but here’s a little joke for you all……enjoy.
The Breeze in the Cave
A gust of wind rustled the wool blanket around her shoulders. Wind on the great plains often meant rain was soon to follow. Thankfully she sat protected by a cavern wall. Yet her safety was futile. They could easily seek and find her. A day ago they had chased her to the brink of a… Continue reading The Breeze in the Cave