the teenage mind is an uncharted thing, the secrets we share, the people who betray our trusts, We were out on a monday night, and a friend of mine has trusted her sister until that night. sneeking out, enjoying ourselves alittle too much, not a worry in the world. The next day we thaught we… Continue reading untaimed realities and betraid trusts
Tag: realities
Poem-The Real Enemy
I decide to read the newspaper today Most days, from it, I try and keep away Nearly every article is filled with anger and misery It builds up such a rage in me
Poem- My Last Chapter
Im just a dirty fuck A dirty fuck,with no luck I know,my life is pathetic I can’t forget,everyone’s life is pathetic
Written by a potential madman, perhaps.
If you cannot understand my thoughts, I understand. Many, many people have said that I am not sane, and due to my young age (15) I am not eager to go and test it. I’ve been thinking that where do I belong? Where do we belong? Because of my age I haven’t seen and experienced… Continue reading Written by a potential madman, perhaps.