“ Here lies my love…” the realization came all so soon, and she collapsed upon the earthen ground, oblivious to the sienna waters staining her pearl coloured satin gown. “This cannot be! I felt his breath! His kiss…” her words revealed in spite of herself the pain that clawed at her chest. “It was cold… Continue reading Sylvan
Tag: realization
Metamorphsis: A comical view from Prep to Goth
Author Note: I made this to put a little comic tone into the goth section, so I hope you all enjoy…I base this off my own experiance (were not all born goth, ya’ know) and the change of others. Enjoy. Step One: Realization: Hi! And welcome to Goth Labs…we really don’t do anything at Goth… Continue reading Metamorphsis: A comical view from Prep to Goth
I will wake with violence Trapped beneath my fears Wrapped in tissues of flesh I stalk to the corridors of fate
Realization & Exceptance
Fuck man, fuck. Its always the same, no matter what I do I cant change anything. Im sick of this shit, its like, nothing I ever do will matter. Its that feeling, that feeling that even though its my life and my body and mind I have control over nothing.
Stolen Moments
She has no idea how much I want her. Every moment of happiness I have with her is a guilty pleasure, stolen…she doesn’t know what her touch does to me. She told me “I love you” the other night, and it took my breath away…although of course she didn’t mean it as anything but friendship.
Garden of Isolation
Did you look back, In hopes of being welcomed? Did you trudge along slowly, In hopes that he would call you back? Knowing that your mistake Would damn us all?
Nex Ut Totus Quisnam Penetro Hic, Part 4
Amy, David, and Eddy all backed away from Billy and his gun. He was the one thing that separated them from the water and their possible escape.
Just a Thought…
i had a realization today. the people that you always think should be there for u never will be….and the ones u least expect to be there will.
Necrolette, Part 1, Realization
I rounded the corner, almost slipping in the rainy streets. I peered around the corner hoping for a clear path to safety. My hideout. My hair was dripping now, falling in my face and distracting me from the task at hand. I brushed my hair back with my hands, covered i filth from falling thrice… Continue reading Necrolette, Part 1, Realization
Jasmine and Talena;
Jasmine was oblivious to the world around her. She walked about in a blank state, doing everything normally, without realization. Like a zombie she lived. Everything around her went unnoticed, as did she. Nothing mattered anymore, and she tried to forget.