~The Break-Up~

This was way too hard I thought it was going to be easy You don’t get the concept… A break up means the relationship is over. There’s no going back I’ve made up my mind No amount of begging will change my decision This had been a thought in my mind for longer than you’ll… Continue reading ~The Break-Up~

Suicide Is The Answer…

I’ve been trying to kill myself for 2 years now. Every way possiable. Putting myself in the garage and starting up the car, cutting myself, o.d on everthing i came in contact with. I’ve just never pulled it off. Well now i’ve been dumped after a 5 month relationship and i just want to die!!!… Continue reading Suicide Is The Answer…

…Reliving Old Memories…

If I could only go back in time There are so many things I would do differently So many more nights I would hav enjoyed our relationship to the fullest I just wish I could re-live the moments when you were mine I would take full advantage of my belongings In the short time we… Continue reading …Reliving Old Memories…

DARKNESS:::Just Another Suicide:::

For almost 8 months they were together. The perfect couple… From the moment they met, she knew they were meant to be together. She thought she knew it was all meant to be. He sent her flowers, bought her candy, and always told her how much he loved her. They layed on the grass together,… Continue reading DARKNESS:::Just Another Suicide:::