She sat with her back to the door of her tiny bedroom. The lightning was dim, she loved the way she could manipulate the dark in her room. It came and left as she pleased; she liked to be in control.
Tag: revenge
my song you fucking copy this and i’ll kick your ass
chorus: why wasn’t i enough didn’t i give you everything you wanted i treated you like a king loved your life, i’m your queen thought i was the one you wanted
My Revenge
It was simple, my want for revenge. I hated them so much. John Backer, foot-ball star, mocked me every day of my life! Leslie Smith, she would flirt, and taunt, and barrage me with little hints, and when I asked her to be with me, or advanced, she claimed rape, or made fun of me.
Would i be
As i stand alone, I start to think, What would life have been like if, The things that happened,
The Scale
She sat in an ungratifiying bondage. Torn clothes and chained to the circular floor. Above her, above the dark, was a shred of light. She could make out each person’s face perfectly as they sat with a pencil and paper, to decide her eternity. Every person she had ever known sat above her. Some smiled… Continue reading The Scale
I am in a dilemma…I like 2 girls…one I can’t ever date (Chelsy) because of her religion (Mormon) but I like her friend (Angela) also. What should I do?
Heaven and Hell part 2
I walked in the hall, a new sense of aura in my body and around it. A glare of sun came through a window, and I smiled. The bliss I had, it had felt so good, I sow anted to be in the arms of the afterlife again, the pain of every breath rolling of… Continue reading Heaven and Hell part 2
your invitation
i replied by error to your invitation i must have mixed up the hours or the seasons
Gun To My Head
I stay contained inside myself Enclosed in the hiding place of my mind They can’t find me now They can’t hurt me now
Death of My Only Friend: Part Three, Brother Beside Me
—-That wasn’t the last time Georgia scared me. I slept in Danny’s room for most other nights. He wasn’t big, and he couldn’t fight off dad. I didn’t think that I could either, whenever that time came.