when darkness falls, im all alone, a departed soul, friends unknown, gun to head, blade to wrist, decisions to make, to take the risk, to end my life, escape my pain, to see my self with all but shame, to end this game, my febal life, to make the choice, And use this knife…..
Tag: risk
(for the poetry section please! 🙂 Support me when I need faith To see that all I loath Is not all that life has to offer Support me when I have drunk Too much and cannot stand On my own two feet Support me when I finally decide To take a risk and make my… Continue reading Lifeline
Feed on own risk!
Turn me on. I turn it on. It turns me on. “Me”…
Complicated, things are always so complicated. We search our souls for the answers to our questions. The questions that haunt us and drive us mad. But we think this torment only belongs to ourselves; that no one else carries such a burden.
If you only knew
The Ultimate Horror Experience – FACES OF DEATH
If you are a true horror fan, you owe it to yourself to own the most talked about controversial film in Horror history – Faces of Death. Those who dare to view this brutal film must do so at their own risk. Clearly the most bizarre and grisly death experiences ever recorded on film. View… Continue reading The Ultimate Horror Experience – FACES OF DEATH