(Poetic) The sweet scent of longing lingers on your skin as I run my fingers up your biceps, intricately placing my hands at your shoulders. With a smile, you place a death grip at my waist. Kicking out your leg, we begin a waltz and I follow your lead, just like a ragdoll, with my… Continue reading Ragdoll
Tag: rosy cheeks
The Twisted vanity
This is my unfinished pride and joy. Seeing as how it is still not finished someday I will post the rest. If I find my work on any other site besides this one without giving me credit I will be one very upset kitty. My work is copyrighted and shall remain so. I hope I… Continue reading The Twisted vanity
Mommy By Kurt Strouse “Baby! Baby!! Mommy! I’m a mommy! It’s my baby now! I’m taking the baby!! I’m taking the goddamn baby you dirty, fucking crack-whore!!” Chrissy shrieked. Her shrill cries stabbed through the air. Her eyes stretched open wide- wet, bloodshot orbs, unblinking unyielding green eyes, pupils dilated and burning with emptiness.
Prince Cambell
They said he was a just a child, a sweet faced, angelic child. Nothing was different about him, and everything would be perfect. When they looked at his white golden curls they crooned, and those daunting blue eyes made them stop and stare smiling at him. They pinched his cheeks and called him a sweet… Continue reading Prince Cambell