so what is it im suppose to do? start getting use to life without you? should i give up all hope know itll never be
Tag: sadist
Love: The Healer
Kristen My heart is thine I am so happy that thou aret mine
Led as A Lamb
Led as a lamb to the slaughtering field, never hearing the bloody bleating of the others, feared. An apocolyptic nightmare, encrypted in maniacal faces, Another sigh of death, another destruction of races.
bloody valentine
he controls you. he tells you what to do. he is your oppressor. your aggressor.
Morbid Thoughts
Morbid thoughts suffocate my mind A desolate sadist sitting anlone No corners to hide in Nowhere left to turn Despise every breath I take Hating each beat more than the last Detest the thing I’ve become Nothing more than a pitiful failure Disgusted at my own reflection Repulsive face of a wench Finger the scars… Continue reading Morbid Thoughts