Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even thins as trivial as someones eyes twitching. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked out of him, shocked, he stopped dead… Continue reading Think Different
Tag: sapphire
Think Different
Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even thins as trivial as someones eyes twitching. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked out of him, shocked, he stopped dead… Continue reading Think Different
A Simply Night Of Pleasurable Delight: Chapter Four
Sapphire opens her eyes, slowly rolling over to her side. She feels for Raven on he side. She smiles, “Raven…..Wake up..”
A Smiply Night Of Pleasurable Delight: Chapter Three
Sapphire awakens to the sound of taps on her car window. She opens her eyes quickly and looks out of the window. Its the bouncer from last night. She opens the door, just enough to talk to him.
A Simple Night Of Pleasurable Delight: Chapter Two (CONT.2)
Sapphire tries to push him away again, but his grip on her is tighter. “Raven….Let me go…Your hurting me!” She says, her eyes tearing up.
A Smiple Night Of Pleasurable Delight: Chapter Two (CONT.)
Sapphire feels very unsure. Wether she should go in or not. She looks at Raven, “This is where you live?”
A Simply Night Of Pleasurable Delight:Chapter One (CONT.)
Sapphire awakens to find herself alone in her bedroom. She quickly sits up and looks around. She looks down to see that she is dressed in her pajamas, a black tank top and black female boxers.