in the misdt of loving death the warmth of such re’surring breath the end it seems the only way for our two souls forever stay in satan’s romance; razor blades blood’s eternal – never fades like demon dreams of red romance our souls now there: the killing dance
Tag: satan
how i shall end
I’m going into an everlasting sleep, after I cut my wrist nice and deep. After this life of torment and pain, shortly Satan and I will reign.
Mental Break (poem)
When you look at me What do you see? Do you see the true me? Or the me i let you see? For deep down inside There is a different me One that wants to be free Maybe just a small killing spree Would set me free A small slaughter For satan’s daughter A misshapen… Continue reading Mental Break (poem)
the creator?
isnt God the creator? can’t he also be the destroyer? he creates life and doesn’t take them when they’re unwanted. i never asked for a life and when i pray to God to take it and give it to someone who actually wants it, he rejects me, well fuck him. i dont want to live… Continue reading the creator?
A humans desire is something that Satan can create just by words A humans friendship & tenderdnes is something that Satan can fool us all into the big fall of hell But what can be so sweet yet so much more stronger then death & Satan himselfe then a hearts pounding for love The one… Continue reading Desire
Fake You said that u loved me, i said that cant be, You had only met me once, you told me that you have never, cried over a guy before, that i was the one u wanted, to be with you right now, then i decided to meet you, and u didnt know what to… Continue reading Fake
something that makes me think a lot
did you know that when you die, your just dead, nothing else can happen, you can’t really haunt people…….. unless…….. unless you worship satan and he would make you his “lil devils” but, there is no burning flames under ground. “hell” accually means the term “your grave”. but i love the fact that when you… Continue reading something that makes me think a lot
this is a different point of religious view from the one i had before
ok. i know i wrote before that i didnt believe in god and satan. i still hold strong on the satan doesnt exist thing. all we want is an excuse for our faults, or for what we do. if the god loves us as much as he/she says, (im just gonna call god and it)… Continue reading this is a different point of religious view from the one i had before
Evil Thoughts
I can’t control the way I feel, what i think, or why I do the things I do. Criticizm is the only part of my life I find worth living. My words I say cut through so deep they merely slice the bone. Insanity has overcome my soul, it is now the only reason why… Continue reading Evil Thoughts
Hmm, interesting.
“Random fact: God is an Atheist. (He believes that there is no higher being then himself and denies all existence of any other deity.) Another random fact: Satan is Christian. (He believes in God, in the Christian sense.) So, if God is the good who happens to be Atheist and Satan is the evil who… Continue reading Hmm, interesting.