he knew that he was always wrong for this world. he knew that this world would never accept him, that with every waking minute the universe hated him more. he suffered everyday, ever second more suffering and every second the world mocked his tears, laughed crulley in his face at his remorse. each night, before… Continue reading first time happy
Tag: satin
Inside of oblivion
It was silent. Perhaps chose to be. Which drifted into several strings of thought. It expanded, condensed and removed itself from our plane of existence. Fell forward in its state of airless flight, screaming. Screaming my name out of oblivion into this fragile world. It wanted me to come to it. To find a way… Continue reading Inside of oblivion
i’m in love with her.
The dark night explode. Only two orange stripes stayed in the sky and we guess a kind of power deep inside the car leather. That’s where we keep the bodies and the money. Then we understand: it’s a woman lying in it, it’s an angel standing on the edge and we’re blind. Almost naked (she’ll… Continue reading i’m in love with her.
Time Enough For Beauty Sleep
:thump: I don’t wannna wake up…I’m having this great dream where the singer/guitarist of my favorite band is making love to me… :thump: Damnit, I’m gonna kill whoever’s making that noise, and robbing me of my beauty sleep…
Untitled poem by me
Death and destruction Breath and seduction The chilling stage Of killing and rage
The Pot of Basil
I hurt. I think I am going insane. Dearest Laura, where are you when I need you? In your absence I have wept, I have wept in a way that is not possible to weep. I have begun to cough blood. Where are you? I don’t show it on the outside, of course. I never… Continue reading The Pot of Basil