The knife rips at my flesh… Blood stains my pale skin… I have a sense of satisfaction… And I do it again… Nothing can stop me… I wish you were here… So I could laugh at you… Without shedding a tear… Here goes nothing… Here’s the end… I rip my chest open… To where it… Continue reading “No where…”
Tag: satisfaction
Getting Over You
I’m sitting at my computer, listening to Meteora. This entire CD makes me think of you. Every song has a meaning behind it that brings back heartbreaking memories of the times we spent together.
[X.x] My blood has set me free [x.X]
X.x My pen lingers on this page My head bare of thoughts Cringing in anger and disgust Sitting here all alone Staring at this blank white Once more
Welcome to my stormy skies behind the clouds are only lies. Take a long look in my eyes, can you see what I disguise?
untitled rantings
Welcome to my stormy skies behind the clouds are only lies. Take a long look in my eyes, can you see what I disguise?
fuck fingernails
love is just like a fuckin piece of scrabby skin disease. fuckin itches you up, like a shot of LSD, the more you scratch the better it feels.
my lil life and my Big knife
Vessils of veins is all I can see blood covered knife shame on me shouting and screaming is all I can hear living my life is my biggist fear
Fuck You All
FUCK YOU ALL all who oppose my satisfaction of life all opposing my dress my hair my looks