I sit and write think what to say, they tell me “you should live day by day.” but its not easy, with all this shit i got goin on in my life i hold in my hand my kitchen knife. my razor blade is better, leaving a distiant but noticable scar, i don’t value my… Continue reading LeAvE Me ALONE!!!
Tag: scar
Wilted Rose
a wilted rose sits on my desk a memory of our love, once blessed a scar in the shape of a heart so true adorns a wrist on a vein so blue
cant you just leave me alone *this is my friends and i thought that she needed to have it heard*
Everywhere I go I see you. Im reminded of the pain you always inflect. The hate you build in me. I have nothing to be happy about anymore. I dont even remember the last time I laughed. Truly laughed. Im just a shell of what I used to be. Not who. I was never anybody,… Continue reading cant you just leave me alone *this is my friends and i thought that she needed to have it heard*
“Like A Wound”
Feud, quarrel, or in simpler words, fighting, the anger builds up, higher and higher it rises, until you’re tired of all the hurt and pain you suffer, you burst in tears, agonizing screams, pleading, stuck in the middle of a torturous problem, which you have nought to deal with, all you can do is close… Continue reading “Like A Wound”
death to love
such promises you made. was everything we had a joke? you seemed so carring so alive with hope. that world came crashing down. now i sit in this world of dark dispair. my heart aches for something it has never known. its just one more scar, it blends in so well with the others. your… Continue reading death to love
How deep does the knife scar?
There are so many other scarred people out here, why must we live in such lonlieness? I will tell you, it is because our scars prevent us from being ourselves in ways only we can understand, those scars cause such terrible things in us, im our souls, our hearts, our minds. How deep does the… Continue reading How deep does the knife scar?
I feel the need to bleed today, From a wound so deep that the flesh is swollen and red. It can’t be kept out of sight from wandering heads. They look at me in complete and utter disgust at what they see. They don’t know what it’s like being me. I feel the need to… Continue reading Bleed
never had a chance
There must be an anwser for my question, that is why people are always pushing me aside like i am something to hide. I may have to live with this scar but I know Hell is not far and you can see it in the dark depends if you see it with your heart,but pain… Continue reading never had a chance
One cut…two cut…three cut…floor
One cut… Is just a small scratch to me. It did not take me that much to bleed. Hate runs through my beat and battered body.
Why Not Suicide?
I know you think I’m psycho. Or that I have issues way too weird. And you wonder why I haven’t contemplated suicide.