cant you just leave me alone *this is my friends and i thought that she needed to have it heard*

Everywhere I go I see you. Im reminded of the pain you always inflect. The hate you build in me. I have nothing to be happy about anymore. I dont even remember the last time I laughed. Truly laughed. Im just a shell of what I used to be. Not who. I was never anybody,… Continue reading cant you just leave me alone *this is my friends and i thought that she needed to have it heard*

How deep does the knife scar?

There are so many other scarred people out here, why must we live in such lonlieness? I will tell you, it is because our scars prevent us from being ourselves in ways only we can understand, those scars cause such terrible things in us, im our souls, our hearts, our minds. How deep does the… Continue reading How deep does the knife scar?