The other world-chapter one

Vampire It was a warm summer night. Jessica started walking down a dark, damp alley way. She felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. Turning around to find no one, she got the chills as a breeze blew through the alley. Turning back around to finish her walk, she unexecptly bumped into someone. She jumping… Continue reading The other world-chapter one


I was asked the other day, “What is gothic? What do goths actually do?”. It’s not the first time I’ve been asked this, but it was the first time I actually decided to think about it. Being a goth obviously means different things to different people, as would any other sub-culture. I percieve being gothic… Continue reading Gothic?

The Truth About Janie McRoberts, Part 8

“I barely remember the funeral. I was still in shock. It seemed like all of Ridgemont High was there. She was popular, but I never realized how many lives she touched until then. Her closest friends, myself included, comforted her family. Her sister stood near this goth girl. They didn’t look sad at all.” —… Continue reading The Truth About Janie McRoberts, Part 8

The Truth About Janie McRoberts, Part 4

“Janie had a wonderful home life. We loved her very much. Of course we had a spat here or there, but nothing major. Her father dealt the punishments in the family. Usually it was groundations, but s swat here or there if the situation called for it, but Janie was such a good kid that… Continue reading The Truth About Janie McRoberts, Part 4