Have you ever had the feeling that you are alone? Alone with no one to turn to for help? Nobody you can trust. Nobody that cares?
Tag: shoes
Rest in peace
a lone walker treads her path a hallow wind blows her breath away the tip, tip tapping of her shoes echo’s down the alley each shadow magnified by perspective except a shadow stirred before she could call out another sound broke the tip, tip tapping of her shoes a loud pop with a steaming oblong… Continue reading Rest in peace
A Heart Full of Meloncholy
Davina’s cell phone rang.She answered it just to hear the meloncholanist voice she was so familiar with.It was her boyfriend Cameron.”What are you doing?””Nothing just sitting here,trying to figure out somewhere to go,”she frustratingly said,while in the back of her mind she desperately wished he cared enough to ask what was wrong
Dead and Buried (poetry)
When my chin just won’t come up And my eyes just will not rise I know my life is going down My soul is making silent cries
Just Pretend
Acting like you’re always happy Pretending to be all sappy You act like you’re the best well ha,ha you’re nothing but a pest
I am proud and stubborn, hate to admit it when I’m wrong So listen now, and understand how difficult this is to say I’m sorry I ignored you when you needed me the most I’m sorry I never made it clear how much you meant to me I’m sorry I overlooked the tell tale signs… Continue reading Regrets
Just Thinking
“The higher the level of thought you achieve the farther you go.” Does that mean that when you die you know everything? What happens if you die “before your time”? Thinking is what you must do to learn. To gain knowledge.
jacky’s dress (true story)
Jacky and i were best friends, 2yrs ago during her first summer in California, she had just moved from Kansas. She was the most beutiful and outgoing person that I had ever met in my then 13yrs of breif life.
My Memories…..My Sorrows…..My Woes (CONT.)
He smiled and blushed at little. “What was that for?” I smiled sweetly and replied, “To thank you…” He tilted his head a little. “Thank me….For what?” I leaned against the wall, ” For paying for my shoes and giving a psycho bitch a chance.”
I die for you randomly (sins)
Cross my heart with your black lies. Stick the bitter into my eyes. Film over vision blures the rest. Apathy mixed with numb erases the memory. Salt in my wounds stains my soul. Distance scars my skin.