Life reminds me of a ribbon in the shape of a bow. Things can start off well and they can continue…. for a short time.
Tag: short time
As I lay awake on this dark, cold night I stare up at the stars, wondeirng their every meaning Sometimes it’s as if we are all represented by a star, living in a large galaxy filled with others, some our kind..and others a bit different It’s like we’re all in a massive competition A competition… Continue reading _**Starz**_
…Reliving Old Memories…
If I could only go back in time There are so many things I would do differently So many more nights I would hav enjoyed our relationship to the fullest I just wish I could re-live the moments when you were mine I would take full advantage of my belongings In the short time we… Continue reading …Reliving Old Memories…
The Rain May Hide The Tears In My Eyes
Slip away so descretely Thinking I won’t know Can’t you understand that the only thing I know is you? In this world of magic tricks and trap doors
Chapter two…The Tale of Many
Dar took Kahns hand and lead him outside. “Come with me precious.” “Where are we going?” Asked Kahn hastily. “My place. Remeber you agreed to join me. You still want to don’t you?” Inquired Dar leading him through the graveyard.