He looked at me with an impish grin. Thinking solely of himself in his firey demeanor. He kept moving closer and I kept shrinking away. He’d dazzle his eyes at me and I couldn’t resist. He sank in closer and began to bite my neck.
Tag: shoulders
Garden of Isolation
Did you look back, In hopes of being welcomed? Did you trudge along slowly, In hopes that he would call you back? Knowing that your mistake Would damn us all?
Such A Young Age
Tara, was always shy. As any typical person, she had family problems. At a very young age she had alreay known to much for such a small head.
She waited for him in the dark night, she loved him. Once again did love prove blind. A rustling through the stand of nearby trees announced his coming. As always he was pale and beautiful, often she wished she could match his beauty, but satisfied herself with holding him. She brushed his hair from his… Continue reading leaving
My Memories…..My Sorrows…..My Woes(CONT.4)
I opened my eyes quickly to a tapping sound on my window. It startled me, becuz my window is on the third floor of our house. I stood up and leaned toward the window to what it was, just then my brother grabbed my sides.
Nadja’s Fantasy2
Nadja sat at the back of the media center at her school by herself. She got in trouble for talking, so the substitute teacher sent her back here to work by herself. She was reading her book when Andrew walked to another table and sat down.
Chapter one….The tale of many..
It started like that Blink 182 song “Girl at the Rock Show”. It’s all down to Vesper really she was the one that introduced them got them talking. And so the story begins….
Talena and Jasmine; a story of friendship
Talena was the wierd one, and Jasmine, well, she was, too fucking normal. When they had met in 7th grade Talena had been the one everyone stared at, and Jasmine was the psyco girl who let Talena hang around her.
Solace In Silence and Darkness
I am not a goth although I can relate to things which I have read in this site. Darkness is facinating. A week ago I was asked by a professor to write a paper. I was told to pick a topic in which I could argue for or against the contrasting issues.
Darkness filled the cold, small town of Sunnydale as the clock struck midnight. 15 year old, Samantha Parkins wrapped her jacket around her shoulders as a brisk wind filled the air. She could see her breath in the air and she let out a worried sigh. Samantha had always felt apprehensive about walking home at… Continue reading vampires