The Digger’s in town. The Digger looks like you, the Digger looks like me. He walks down the wintry streets the way anybody would, shoulders drawn together against the damp December air. He’s not tall and not short, he’s not heavy and not thin. His fingers in dark gloves might be pudgy but they might… Continue reading The Digger
Tag: shoulders
Evie By, AnGeLiQuE
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! This story contains things that happens that goes way beyond the storys here. It is very, very erotica and may contain things that some people might find full of sickness.
A simple night, in a simple city…
He got out of the night club, from the back door, private to the staff and to some special guests. The two agents who had just entered the club unsettled his nice carefree evening. He put on his jacket and lit a cigarette, his eyes checking his surroundings constantly. He could still hear the music… Continue reading A simple night, in a simple city…
The Breeze in the Cave
A gust of wind rustled the wool blanket around her shoulders. Wind on the great plains often meant rain was soon to follow. Thankfully she sat protected by a cavern wall. Yet her safety was futile. They could easily seek and find her. A day ago they had chased her to the brink of a… Continue reading The Breeze in the Cave
The Compass Rose
They walked with a purpose to their step. Some unknown secret behind every movement, some darker knowledge that shows through their lighter eyes. The man sitting at the table in front of them bows his head over his cup of coffe, as they walk to him he does not notice.