the cold nite breeze whips across my face while the tears rund down my checks now that ive got her in my grasp hehheh isnt gonna be a fast death im gonna make it last take pleasure in every slice chop the nite away just to make her feel my dissmay grabed her up in… Continue reading Pray To Bleed
Tag: shred
Past Present and Future
Myself, me the only survivor of my past a solitary black orb black yet colorless spreading my bloody wings scarred and bruised as they are then drawing them back retracing my steps like a bad salsa dance repeated a roseo f black petals blooming to let the corrosive rain drip in an explosive volcanic rock… Continue reading Past Present and Future
Family Affairs, Chapter 6
“Dad, what’s going on? You can’t keep us in the dark like this. Carry is our brother.” Vince tried to persuade his father to give them even a shred of information.
The Scale
She sat in an ungratifiying bondage. Torn clothes and chained to the circular floor. Above her, above the dark, was a shred of light. She could make out each person’s face perfectly as they sat with a pencil and paper, to decide her eternity. Every person she had ever known sat above her. Some smiled… Continue reading The Scale
Immoral Deceptionalist
Have you ever stumbled upon those souls who seem so troubled that you feel compelled to spend time with them? The time spent is not to help them or offer any form of guidance, but it is rather just to be in their presence for they emit such a force of hostility and raw power… Continue reading Immoral Deceptionalist