I meant for this to go to poetry Can you see it The light blinds me Looking into the warm light Through the window Outside is cold and dark The rain drizzles down the cheek of a lonely man Separate Not one with humanity Can he find solace Imitating what he sees in the window… Continue reading The Window Of Loneliness
Tag: solace
Dark Knight Mourn
It seems there is only loneliness to be found in this dark hour, of all the things that we regret in life, all those things that have gone past and cannot be undone. Dark Knight, you have walked this path unknowingly, although you may have felt you were serving a greater cause in the begining… Continue reading Dark Knight Mourn
With dark angelic wings, Enshroud the world under their shadow Embraced with a coldness Meant to protect, yet weds the living to decay… For I will sleep, celestial I am Waiting for the day the sun wakes for me. -AvatarZero-
Solace In Silence and Darkness
I am not a goth although I can relate to things which I have read in this site. Darkness is facinating. A week ago I was asked by a professor to write a paper. I was told to pick a topic in which I could argue for or against the contrasting issues.
Within, Without
I tell you not a tale, but a story, my story….
Past the time
Past the time when the sun has sunk in the horizon Past the time when the last of the dying light fades Past the time when birds stopped their songs of praise to the light
Why write only when tormented? Does not joy have worth? Often forgetting whats lamented…
Remy and Angel ….The Meeting..Part 1
Angel stood in the Garden slowly rocking back and forth the tears slid down her beautiful face as she sang a soft sad lilting song her voice quivered with emotion but it did not disrupt the beauty of the song it only hightened the sadness of her softly sung words .
Evil in light…
Alone she wandered in the darkest of woods Gowned by a blanket of darkness hiding her wounds Never again did she want to turn back Back to the past that haunted her off track
Due Punishment
So many opportunities are hurled at me. Some, I take for granted, and some I choose not to see. I cannot handle this pressure, But yet you see me and do it with pleasure. Don’t you understand that I’m not deserving? I care only to be left alone in my own suffering. Please take it… Continue reading Due Punishment