A cut so neat and precise, easily worthy of any trained surgeon appeared on her wrist, as she felt the blade sink in to her soft, warm freshly tanned skin she turned her head to face him. Her jaw slowly sank, her eyes seemed quite different to how they normally look, no sparkle, you could… Continue reading death-mistakes and regrets
Tag: sparkle
When its over…
It was one of those stormy nights again. She looked out at the night sky, her head resting against the plane of glass, its cool surface refreshing her. She was glad she was inside, sheltered from the weathers brewing hostility. It felt good she wasnt the only one suffering, there had to be someone out… Continue reading When its over…
You think you know me?
Sweet and kind loving and thoughtful, smiling and laughing eyes always sparkle, happy and joyfull even a little playful
Cant Save You
When I see him I die a litle more inside his eyes have lost their sparkle he looks at me menacingly
Quality Time
I’m sitting here and I got Dominic sat by me. He’s just staring into space.
these Feelings…
I’ve Been alone, I’ve never been hurt, Never been played. Never Thought I Would lose the Game. but When he came into the Picture…. My whole World Turned around…
be your self.
hello people i just want to say hi to all of you and to thank all of you people who r gonna read this, well i got to say how is every body today, well what do we want any way huh all we want is to party and stuff like that so we should… Continue reading be your self.
what have i done?
what did he do to you? i didn’t mean to leave you all alone. god i’m so sorry. i didn’t even think that he could do that to anyone – let alone you. you were so innocent and i let you down. if i had known what was to happen that nite i never would… Continue reading what have i done?
don’t look too shocked, we’ll die soon anyway i must say, the way you pretend your life isin’t falling apart is quite amusing cover it up with makup and hair dye