poetic the memorial of forever night a trickle of pain runs down the spine, and the shimmer of hope subsides. the knife that which u placed contains the poison that still remains. bleeding frome the inside out, forever night shadows my eyes, bleeding as i cry, the mixture spills on to you eatng away your… Continue reading poetry
Tag: spine
The Night Darkness Consumed Me
Typical night for a girl like me. Right? Or so I thought…. I was on my way to a brand new nightclub that had opened not too long ago. The name of the nightclub attracted me. It was named The Vampire Coven. The name sounded so alluring that I decided to go check it out.… Continue reading The Night Darkness Consumed Me
Forestry Love
It was dark out, nothing but the trees swaying in the night and the wolves howling to the moon. It was so peaceful, just me, him and a couple friends, alone, out in the wilderness roasting some marshmellows. I looked up across the fire, he looked back at me with those amazing eyes, hinting me… Continue reading Forestry Love
I look upon his frigid eyes.crying asking why, how could he have hurt me so profound.truth is, i didnt want to knoe why all i wanted was for him to disappear, for him to fall off the face of the earth.he said”i love you i never meant to hurt you”all i wanted was for you… Continue reading selfish
Bring Me Salvation
I feel your icy cold grip on my soul. Your grip gets stronger each day. I feel I won’t slip away, dragging me closer to the edge, pulling me into the depths of hell. I can hear the cries of others telling me to get away before it’s to late. As the chills of that… Continue reading Bring Me Salvation
I drive up to the house. No soul walks but me. I had taken out all the lights of the vehicle and had painted it black. In case someone did see, I had removed the license plate. I take my sword from the back and exit the car without the internal lights coming on. I… Continue reading Hunter
Scream, Icy cold Death Creeping through your veins. Shudder Chills run down your spine As you hear your cracking bones. Regrets, Cross your mind As you intake your last breath. Alone, In the cold and dark, Searing with agonizing flames Ripping Of flesh Clashing Of Bone The End Draws near Drowning you in the cold… Continue reading Fate
The Waiting Death
I’m looking in the mirror Wondering what I have left. I have a knife in my hand and a tear in my eye. As I look at the reflection I think to my self is this the time to die? I bring the blade close to my wrist and take a couple breaths
Pure Evil
I cannot stay in this house any more. Seeing your picture sends a shiver down my spine, smelling your scent that won’t leave… I can’t take it. I take a walk out and breath in some cool night air. I am trying to clear my head, but all I can think of is the bloody… Continue reading Pure Evil
Don’t Need You
I don’t have to see you to know you are there I don’t have to hear you to feel a shiver down my spine I don’t have to be stung by you to feel your poison sting I don’t have to understand you to recognise your bitter sweet words.